Heather Knits

Where Heather waffles on about knitting and anything else which crosses her mind.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Curly Whirly

I seem to get round to jumping on band wagons at about the same time everyone else is climbing off, as is probably the way with the curly whirly scarf. Everyone seemed to be making them a couple of months ago, so I have just got round to making mine :-) and here it is, all apologies for my lack of any artistic photography, so I bring you:
Over the back of the chair:

Curled up on the seat of the settee:
and finally as modelled by Percy the Penguin (although black penguin on dark brown settee seems to cause difficulties for my camera):
This is the pattern from Get Knitted, free when you buy a skein of Lorna's Laces Lion and Lamb, or Shepherd Worsted. I used the Lion and Lamb, and the colour is Irving Park. The yarn is lovely and beautifully soft, unfortunately none of my pictures show the colour up particularly well. For once it is not actually raining today so I might try and get a shot in day light. This pattern is of the variety where you cast on an unfeasibly large number of stitches and then do a couple of k2tog rows among your garter stitch to get the curly shape. I had a little go at the type where you cast on a smaller number and then do strategic increasing, but I knit so tightly that it was actually painful to do all that increasing. I think the decreasing strategy works better for me, and I don't end up with painful shoulders and neck! Knitting is supposed to be relaxing after all!

Anyway, got to dash now, my parents are staying for the week and we are meeting my sister for lunch in a minute. Tomorrow me and Mummy are going to the knitting show at Sandown Park, so I will hopefully blog about that later!


  • At 9:50 pm, Blogger Daisy said…

    Love the colour of your curly whirlie!

  • At 10:55 pm, Blogger MissLucy said…

    I quote Daisy!

  • At 12:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Heather!

    I didn't realise that you had a blog - hmmm must add you to my bloglines! I didn't see you at Sandown either (but then my head was in the yarn)



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